
Organic and Sulfate-Free Melt and Pour Glycerin Soap Crafting Recipes



If you want to make the most natural soap without using lye, here is a way to craft organic and sulfate free melt and pour glycerin soap at home. In less than an hour, you can craft lovely organic, sulfate free and eco-friendly Castile soaps with these carefully tested recipes.This eBook contains:

* Organic, sulfate free and Castile melt and pour soap bases: facts and tips

* How dangerous are sulfates, surfactants and propylene glycol?

* Is your fragrance phthalate free?

* Original, tested step-by-step recipes

* Photographs of all soap recipes and soap bases

* Melt and pour mishaps

* What to look for in a supplier

* Where to buy links

* African black soap information

"Because I'm pursuing to make Organic and sulfate free melt and pour I decided to buy this book. Indeed it answered a lot of questions not only about organic and sulfate free but also a lot more. More than expected!" Amazon Reader Review

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