Key Lime Pie Recipe

Copyright 2023-2024 by Lisa Maliga

Key Lime pie with freshly piped whipped cream and a sprinkling of green glitter dust.

How to cool off on a hot summer day? Enjoy a nice, cold slice of Key Lime pie! This deliciously tart and sweet crumb crust pie is easy to bake. Don’t have key limes in your area? Not an issue. Use regular Persian limes. They taste just as good.

Baking in the summertime isn’t always ideal, but when it comes to Key lime pie, your oven isn’t on very long. And, if the sun is shining, you can always melt your butter outside. It took 10 minutes for me. I used a small glass bowl and put a larger bowl over it to keep any insects away.

It won’t take long for you to be enjoying a nice, cool and tangy slice [or two!] of Key Lime pie.

A humble slice of Key Lime Pie


Graham Cracker Crust

5 ounces graham cracker crumbs

5 tablespoons butter, melted

1/3 cup granulated sugar

For more flavor and/or health benefits, try 1-part golden sugar and one part organic palm sugar

Key Lime Filling

3 egg yolks

1 1/2 teaspoons lime zest

1 can [14 oz.] sweetened condensed milk

2/3 cup lime juice

Whipped Cream

1 cup heavy cream [cold]

1 Tablespoon confectioners’ sugar

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Shimmer green glitter dust [optional]

Oven temperature: 350 Fahrenheit / 175 Celsius



Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pour graham cracker crumbs into a large mixing bowl. If you only have the whole graham crackers, use a food processor and pulse until you have fine crumbs. If you don’t have a food processor, put in a sturdy plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin.

Add sugar and melted butter and mix with a fork or until the ingredients look like wet sand. Press the mixture into the bottom and sides of a buttered 9-inch pie pan. Bake in preheated oven until golden brown, about 8 minutes. Set aside on a wire cooling rack.


In the bowl of the stand mixer, whip the egg yolks and lime zest at high speed until fluffy. Slowly add the condensed milk and continue to whip until thick. Reduce the mixer speed to low and slowly add the lime juice, mixing until combined. The mixture will start to thicken with the addition of the lime juice. Pour the mixture into the crust.

Bake for 10 minutes or until the filling has just set. Cool on a wire rack, then refrigerate once the pie has reached room temperature. For best results, the pie should be chilled for 2-3 hours.

Whipped Cream:

Chill the mixing bowl and whisk. Add the heavy cream and confectioners’ sugar. This will take 5 minutes at high speed. Lastly, add the vanilla extract. Pipe the whipped cream around the edges and in the center of the pie.

If you want to get a workout, you can add the heavy cream and sugar to a chilled pint-sized mason jar and shake. That usually takes about 10 minutes.

Have fun making and sharing this zesty Key lime pie with your family and friends.

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