Pascalite Clay Soap Recipe

By Lisa Maliga copyright 2023-2024

Clay soap is designed for either oily skin or as a shaving soap. The clay seen here is called Pascalite and it’s only found in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. It’s a form of bentonite clay but has higher amounts of calcium.


  • 1 pound white or shea butter soap base

  • 1 teaspoon Pascalite OR preferred clay

  • 1 teaspoon powdered green tea

  • ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil

  • ½ teaspoon green tea fragrance

  • Mold: 4 four-ounce rectangle molds

Instructions: Slice up soap base into small cubes and melt. Just before it’s fully melted add clay, green tea and vitamin E. Stir well. Add fragrance. Pour into molds. Spritz away any bubbles with rubbing alcohol. Allow soap to harden at room temperature. Remove from mold. Wrap in cling wrap and label.

Read more about pascalite here: What’s So Great About Pascalite Clay?