Do Cats Like Soap? A Caption Contest + WIN 2 Soap Crafting eBooks

By Lisa Maliga copyright 2015

Cats and soap don’t mix, right? Well, here’s a picture that disproves that theory. Not that the photo was planned. Earlier that day, when the sun was illuminating the window near the bookcase, I’d taken some pictures of soap for my most recent eBook. I left out a bar of wrapped soap that I'd photograph in the morning when I'd have more natural light. Along jumps Miss D., who sees the soap, takes a whiff and settles down to look at the bar of black soap [a/k/a Charcoal Cat Soap]. Maybe she's admiring the image of a lovely feline that resembles her.

Click to enlarge

charcoal cat soap contest lisa maliga

After taking her picture in the fading light, I removed the soap and let her stay there for several hours. That’s a cat for you, always wanting to hang out wherever they please. The next morning when I needed to take pictures, she’d already found another area where she could hang out, so I didn’t have to dust for stray cat fur. After looking at the photos, I decided to put one in the book and share the other so that someone can come up with a creative caption for it.

So, if you like contests, or books, or both, you might want to enter the caption contest. Come up with a one-liner and win a free PDF copy of my latest eBookOrganic and Sulfate Free Melt and Pour Glycerin Soap Crafting Recipes AND a copy of Happy Birthday Melt and Pour Soap Recipes.

The contest is open to anyone. Enter more than once to increase your chances of winning! The funnier the caption, the more likely it is to win. Please, keep it clean—pun intended!

All you have to do is write your caption in the LEAVE A COMMENT area.

I’ll choose my favorite submitted caption in a week [Tuesday, September 14]. Once the winner’s chosen, they’ll be sent both eBooks in PDF format. The next day, I’ll post the blog with the winner's name and their clever caption.


Christine Hardy

September 8, 2015 at 8:51 pm


I tell dog itz a biscuit. Hahahahahaha. “Hey, Droolface, come and try one of these. They’re de-lish!”

happy birthday melt and pour soap recipes organic sulfate free melt and pour glycerin soap crafting recipes

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