5 Natural Fine Hair Care Tips
By Lisa Maliga copyright 2025
To maintain your fine hair, it’s important to be kind to it. Fine hair is fragile hair. Treat your hair like delicate lace. Healthy hair is grown from a healthy scalp. Here are five tips to help your fine hair stay soft and silky.
Invest in a high quality wide-tooth comb. It can be made from wood, horn [bone], carbon fiber, cellulose acetate or sturdy plastic. The edge of each tooth must be flat to avoid damaging your hair. Wash your comb frequently as clean combs help keep your scalp clean. I can recommend the traditional Japanese boxwood comb. Here’s a link: https://wawaza.com/products/japanese-tsuge-wood-traditional-comb-98-mm/
The price has increased since I bought mine, so consider this more economical peach wood comb that is Japanese-made and is finished with peach kernel oil. Etsy carries a wide variety of hand carved wooden combs including sandalwood and walnut. Do a thorough online investigation and if you can find any comb makers/ crafters in your area or at a crafts fair, all the better.
Hairbrushes are recommended if you have straight to wavy hair. Boar bristles are best as they’re durable. London-based Mason Pearson makes outstanding pure boar bristle brushes that are priced at over $150. A less expensive alternative is the Shash brush that is made in Germany.
For those of you who prefer a vegan and sustainable alternative, consider trying a bamboo hairbrush. They are reasonably priced and it will have bamboo bristles and only a small amount of rubberized padding to keep the bristles in place.
Do you prefer a large paddle or oval brush or a smaller pocket-sized brush? I bought the Tek rectangular brush as it’s smaller and fits in my purse and is made in Italy. Perhaps you need a variety of brush types and sizes if you travel a lot or go to the gym or want one to put in your briefcase, etc.
Depending on how oily your hair is, brush at least once a day, but do so very gently. Brushing stimulates the sebum, which acts as a protective barrier and moisturizer. Brushing also stimulates the scalp, which encourages hair growth. It’s also as important to keep your brush as clean as your hair. Never brush wet hair, as that’s when it’s at its weakest. Wash your brush with a shampoo bar or mild liquid shampoo at least once a week.
Air Dry/Towel Dry
Using hairdryers or blow-dryers, even on low settings, can cause breakage. In the summertime, air drying is a lot easier. You can also use a microfiber or bamboo towel or turban which cuts down on drying time. When using a towel, don’t yank or massage too vigorously.
Silk Pillowcases
Silk pillowcases and silk bedding!
Sleeping on a silk pillowcase helps avoid tangled hair and even breakage. Cotton pillowcases have a rougher texture and can cause hair to get snagged on the fibers. Satin pillowcases are suitable for those who are vegans or vegetarians, but they can retain more heat. Silk or bamboo allows the hair to slide over its slippery surface. Another option is to buy a silk hair covering. For silk pillowcases, I recommend the Celestial Silk brand which is high quality Mulberry silk and is reasonably priced.
Shampoo Bars
Want an eco-friendly and cost effective shampoo? Try a shampoo bar. They are versatile and can clean your face and body, are easy to pack and don’t spill. Shampoo bars usually work well for fine hair and they’re sulfate-free. Many that you find at stores and online contain no added colorants or preservatives. You can make your own, so check out the book How to Make Handmade Shampoo Bars.
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