Stovetop Popcorn Recipe & Video
By Lisa Maliga, copyright 2025
How easy is it to make healthy popcorn on your stovetop? So easy it’ll only take about 5 minutes. Stovetop popcorn is a lot healthier than microwave popcorn. Plus, you control the types of oil, butter and amount of salt you need. This is the perfect recipe for those who follow the Keto diet, and it’s always a great snack to enjoy when watching a movie or reading a book.
Enjoying my popcorn in a vintage Hazel Atlas bowl!
1.5 Tablespoons virgin coconut oil
1.5 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 Cup organic popcorn
1/2 stick salted butter
Salt to taste
Add oil to kettle and heat at medium to medium-high. Add a couple of popcorn kernels, cover the kettle, and when they pop, remove them.
Take kettle off burner and wait for 2 minutes to stabilize the heat and prevent burning. No one likes burnt popcorn.
Add popcorn and shake kettle to distribute kernels evenly.
Let pop until finished. You’ll know it’s done when the popping goes from quick to occasional pops.
Pour into a large bowl and add salt and melted butter to taste.
You might need to melt the butter in a microwave. If so, cover with plastic wrap.
Serve in your favorite bowl. In my case, I’m able to enjoy my popcorn in a vintage Hazel Atlas cobalt blue depression glass mixing bowl, circa 1935.
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