Hollywood After Dark: 3 Tales of Terror ~ An Excerpt ebook, fiction, Hollywood, hollywood after dark: ..., horror fiction, los angeles fiction, novelettes, short stories, UncategorizedlisamaligaOctober 4, 2013an author's nightmare, authors, chick lit, entertainment industry, hollywood, Hollywood After Dark, hollywood fiction, horror, kindle, lisa maliga, Lisa Maliga copyright, movie industry, Tales of Terror, writersComment
Sweet Dreams – A Contemporary Romance eBook B&N Nookbook, books, ebook, Hollywood, kindle, kobo, novella, short stories, sweet dreams, UncategorizedlisamaligaSeptember 10, 2013B&N, bakery, chick lit, contemporary romance, entertainment industry, hollywood, lisa maliga, Los Angeles, los angeles fiction, macarons, reality tv show, romance, romance author, science fiction story, yummery Comments