Posts tagged sunset boulevard
Diary of a Hollywood Nobody ~ A Show Biz Excerpt
books, chris yarborough, contemporary fiction, diary of a hollywood n..., ebook, ebooks, fiction, Hollywood, kobo, novel, Uncategorized, women's fictionlisamaligabeverly hills, diary, entertainment, entertainment industry, hollywood, hollywood fiction, hollywood financing, kindergarten classroom, kindle, lisa maliga, los angeles fiction, show biz, showbiz, sunset boulevard
Movies & Writing
B&N Nookbook, books, ebook, fiction, kindle, los angeles fiction, mother daughter, out of the blue, Uncategorizedlisamaligaalexander thorpe, apocalypse now, entertainment, films, hollywood, hollywood galaxy theatre, jack nicholson, jack torrance, julie & julia, lisa maliga, movies, my brilliant career, north of sunset, oscars, passion, rod stewart, sunset boulevard, sylvia gardner, the shining, the wizard of oz, vietnam war film