Posts in novel
I WANT YOU: Seduction Emails from a Narcissist ~ New Cover & Excerpt

Before I became a fan of THE WALKING DEAD, I wrote about a character named Arlen J. Stevenson who was the author of zombie fiction. I chose that genre for no particular reason other than the fact that it seemed a little different—edgier—than thrillers or science fiction.

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70% of Nothing: The Reality of Indie Publishing

Most people don’t read. Most people don’t buy eBooks or prefer downloading freebies. And most readers don’t review books.

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"North of Sunset" New Cover + Excerpt
The Aroma of Love: (The Yolanda’s Yummery Series, Book 3) is Here + Excerpt
A Naughty Narcissist's Yuletide Greetings
Out of the Blue: A Novel – NEW Cover, NEW Excerpt