Posts in soap packaging
The Soapmaker’s Guide to Online Marketing ~ Now in Paperback!
Kitchen Soap for Chefs: 4 Easy Melt & Pour Soap Recipes ~ The eBook

As many chefs know, coffee removes strong odors such as onions, garlic, fish, and meat. This is why Espresso Coffee Kitchen Soap is good to have in any kitchen.

So, I'd like to introduce my latest soap crafting eBook. Naturally, I made all the soaps and took photos of them. I was running low on soap. Now, my soap dishes and soap cabinet are full again.

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Looking for a Soap Crafting Supplier?

This is an excerpt from Chapter 8 of my latest eBook, "Organic and Sulfate Free Melt and Pour Glycerin Soap Crafting Recipes."

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Melt and Pour Soap Presentation
Interview with a Soap Crafter – Odette Handley, Riverlea Soap
Selling Your Soap at Craft Fairs & Farmer's Markets

When attending craft fairs and farmer's markets, one thing always stands out to me as a seasoned shopper: the way soap and bath products are displayed. Having frequented these events since childhood, I’ve learned that a well-organized and visually appealing display can make all the difference in attracting attention and sparking curiosity.

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