Posts tagged ebooks
Kitchen Soap for Chefs: 4 Easy Melt & Pour Soap Recipes ~ The eBook

As many chefs know, coffee removes strong odors such as onions, garlic, fish, and meat. This is why Espresso Coffee Kitchen Soap is good to have in any kitchen.

So, I'd like to introduce my latest soap crafting eBook. Naturally, I made all the soaps and took photos of them. I was running low on soap. Now, my soap dishes and soap cabinet are full again.

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I WANT YOU: Seduction Emails from a Narcissist ~ New Cover & Excerpt

Before I became a fan of THE WALKING DEAD, I wrote about a character named Arlen J. Stevenson who was the author of zombie fiction. I chose that genre for no particular reason other than the fact that it seemed a little different—edgier—than thrillers or science fiction.

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Organic and Sulfate Free Melt and Pour Glycerin Soap Crafting Recipes

If you want to make the most natural soap without using lye, here is a way to craft organic and sulfate free melt and pour glycerin soap at home. In less than an hour, you can craft lovely organic, sulfate free and eco-friendly Castile soaps with these carefully tested recipes.

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70% of Nothing: The Reality of Indie Publishing

Most people don’t read. Most people don’t buy eBooks or prefer downloading freebies. And most readers don’t review books.

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Writing for Pennies: The Dawn of Internet Writing

I’ve been an Internet Writer since 2000. I began writing articles for a company named Write for Cash, which bought nonfiction on just about any topic imaginable and paid a one-time fee ranging from ten to twenty bucks. The articles were input into the major search engines and were there for all to see. A byline was optional.

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Melt and Pour Soap Presentation
I Almost Married a Narcissist + Excerpt

I Almost Married a Narcissist is a new and updated story about a woman who learns the man she’s dating is more than conceited and hung up on his body image – he’s a narcissist.

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Rooibos Tea and Pink Kaolin Shampoo Bar Recipe ~ New eBook + Excerpt